Find out about Diverse Voices’ work tackling violence against women and girls

Diverse Voices are tackling violence against women and girls across London with support from The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) and The Evening Standard Dispossessed Fund (ESDF) We’re thrilled to be launching our creative arts-based learning programmes, that inspire young people to make healthy choices whilst educating them around harmful sexual behaviour (HSB), healthy relationships, consent … Continued

Real Ideas Organisation – Growing the social economy in the Southwest

At the heart of the Plymouth social economy is Real Ideas Organisation – a social enterprise based in the city which works across the Southwest and beyond. Its mission is to solve problems and create opportunity for individuals, organisations and communities. It does this through a variety of programmes centred on helping young people into … Continued

Breaking down barriers in the creative industries – how a social enterprise is helping drive social and economic impact in Greater Manchester

February 2022 Find out more about the incredible work of Manchester based social enterprise, Sharp Futures, in this interview with CEO Lee Stanley. From working with big media organisations like Channel 4 to offering a variety of training courses and apprenticeships in areas such as film production – listen to how this social enterprise is … Continued