Your Organisation

Organisation Address
Regions of Operation
In which geographic areas do you deliver the majority of your services/products? This is about your business operations not your social or environmental mission. This helps people find your services and/or products - only select the regions where you currently deliver the majority of your services/products to ensure the quality of data within the search engine.
Select as many areas as you need
Website Links
Main Contact
We would like to share regular email updates with you to help you reap the benefits of your membership. Please let us know if you wish to receive email communications from us and hear about exciting sector news and campaigns, insightful reports, our popular events and networking opportunities. You can opt-out and update your communication preferences at any time. Please read our Privacy Policy to find out more.
We will not use your mobile number for marketing purposes but only to discuss your membership when queries arise. Please let us know if you are happy for us to do so.

Your member profile

Principle trading activity
What is the main product or service you sell? How do you generate most of your income? This may be different from your social or environmental mission. E.g. if you help homeless women into work through a coffee shop, select hospitality (not skills development)
Social/environmental mission
Which category(ies) best fits the positive social or environmental impact that your organisation seeks to bring about? Select up to 3 in order of significance. e.g. if you help homeless women into work through a coffee shop, select "employment opportunities", "homelessness and housing" and "women and gender equality".
Your markets *
Who do you sell your products/services to? Please select as many as apply in order of significance.
Member profile *
150 words to describe your organisation and what you do. Be as clear and succinct as you can, covering the product or service that you offer and your social/environmental mission. This information will be displayed on your profile in our Social Enterprise Directory, the clearer you are, the easier and quicker it will be for people to find your organisation.
Key words *
Please write as many search items as are relevant to the products or services that your social enterprise offers (e.g. coffee, cake, bistro, bakery, cakes)
Company logo

Legal & financial

Company registration number
Depending on your legal structure you will be registered with Company House, Charity Commission, etc... If your business is not registered please add details below.
e.g. 31-5322
Turnover for the past financial year
What was your organisation's total income from all sources for the most recent financial year? This will determine your membership band. We will perform spot checks throughout the year to verify that the correct information has been provided.
We will perform spot checks
Membership band
Your membership band will be determined by your annual turnover.
Articles of Association *
As part of your application, we verify that your social or environmental mission is included in your governing documents. Please enter the link to the page where your Governing Documents are kept on Companies House.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (optional)

If your organisation’s leadership consists of only one person, please only provide this data if you are that person.
There is no obligation to provide this data and you can request for this data to be removed from our data storage system at any point.
Do 50% or more of your leader(s), founder(s), or leadership team identify as:
We collect data on the demographics of our social enterprise members’ leadership teams in order to monitor how effectively we are meeting our aims to be an inclusive, equitable and diversity organisation.
By providing the following data, you consent to SEUK holding this data for internal and anonymised monitoring, analysis and research purposes. This data will be securely stored and it will not be shared outside a core team at SEUK who process data.
Visit the SEUK website for more information about SEUK’s commitments to Justice, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.


You have told us your legal form is a
1. As a director of the company I understand that, using the information I am providing, SEUK is able to contact the appropriate regulatory body for confirmation or clarification of any matters deemed necessary.
2. I understand our governing documents must set out a clear social or environmental mission show that we are an independent business and we earn more than half of our income through trading that we are controlled or owned in the interests of social mission that we reinvest or give away at least half our profits or surpluses towards our social purpose that we are transparent about how we operate and the impact that we have include an asset lock where necessary.
3. As part of my application to join SEUK I understand that I am entering into an agreement that we will continue to operate in line with the above criteria.
4. That subsequent evidence that my organisation fails to meet the above criteria may result in the organisation's removal from SEUK membership with reimbursement and in losing its right to use the SEUK badge.
5. I understand that by signing up to membership of Social Enterprise UK I agree to the following Terms & Conditions
Draw your signature *


Social Procurement Connect

Social Enterprise UK also offers an exclusive service to its members which helps them to unlock the power of their everyday spend for wider societal and environmental benefit. Our Social Procurement Connect service supports buying organisations to engage with social enterprises as suppliers.

Confirm & submit

Add a voluntary contribution
If you would like to make a voluntary contribution to help support the work we do on your behalf, please show an amount and then choose one of the options below:
Voluntary Contribution £0.00
ⓘ Your first payment will be made by card with an option to sign-up to automatic membership renewals via Direct Debit on the thank you page.